Monday, May 25, 2009

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Water for Sheep

Last post, May 18th , we referred to the benefits of vinegar in water. This should ALWAYS be Apple Cider vinegar.
Vinegar is a miracle-working liquid for man or beast. I had previously heard of the assistance it gave to reduce -- or eliminate -- worms in sheep. Knowing of its many benefits for man, I decided to give it a try. While I can’t say that I have any direct proof of it reducing worms in sheep, based on its usefulness in so many other areas, I figured it certainly couldn’t hurt. I started with a VERY small amount … didn’t really measure, just poured from a gallon jug. Since there is a strong smell and taste, I wanted my sheep to get use to that first and not refuse to drink! I would estimate that the first few days, it was probably no more than a tablespoon per each gallon. Several days later, I started adding maybe 2 tablespoons per gallon. Here again, I never actually measured, but by approximately 2 weeks time, the amount of vinegar was probably in the range of ½ to 2/3 cup per each gallon of water. This was given to my ram also -- who, except for breeding times -- was kept by himself with a wether (a neutered ram). There were times when he was kept by himself - but always close enough to the ewes' pens that he could see his ‘girls’. Sometime after starting the vinegar/water, I again read in several different animal publications, the benefits of vinegar to breeding, particularly, breeding so as to maximize the outcome with ewes. While rams can become very friendly (HOWEVER -- NEVER TURN YOUR BACK ON A RAM), you can only use so many rams and/or sell so many. If marketing for meat is your main objective, then this particular piece of information may not be of value to you, at least once you get the number of ewes you are seeking. Since this information of vinegar-to-ewe ratio kept turning up, and I had now been using vinegar for maybe a year plus, I made sure that I kept it up; especially several months before the ram went in with the ewes. The first year, I got a 50% ratio of ewe lambs vs. ram lambs -- not impressive, but a whole lot better than I had done previously.
The second year, I got a 75% to 25% ratio of ewes to rams --- percentages were better!
The third year was my bonanza == 100% ewes. I was sold!!!
Give APPLE CIDER VINEGAR to your sheep --- you won’t be sorry. Happy lambing!! Diane

"He chose David also his servant, and took him from the sheepfolds: From following the ewes great with young ..." Psalm 78:70-71a

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